Waiakeawaena Elementary School

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What makes Waiakeawaena Special? "First and foremost, the people (the children and adults). Each individual gives life to the campus! Each personality adds the character to what makes Waiakeawaena. We are one 'OHANA. We are family!"

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)


Waiākeawaena Elementary PTA!

Now you can join online!

“Teachers, Students, and Parents working together for a better tomorrow!”

Aloha Waiākeawaena Parents, and Guardians,


Welcome back to the new 2024-2025 school year, and welcome to our new students, parents, faculty, and staff! We hope you had an amazing Summer. It’s time for another exciting school year to start, and an important part of Waiākeawaena Elementary School is our PTA.


The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a group of volunteers (parents, teachers, and community members), that work together to enrich the school environment for students, as well as the teachers, and faculty. The PTA is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Waiākeawaena Elementary PTA supports critical academic needs, is an active voice on decisions that impact your child’s safety, and quality of education, and builds a stronger, more inclusive school community. We believe that together we can help your child be successful.


We invite you to join, and PTA For Your Child because increasing our membership, even by one, makes it possible to provide funds for school supplies, student excursions, our May Day Program, the 5th grade luncheon, and so much more!


Thank you for your contributions to support our students, and teachers. Together, we can make a positive difference for Waiakeawaena Elementary School. The level of involvement is up to you. There is no wrong way to PTA!


Let’s have a fantastic year!


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