Waiakeawaena Elementary School

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What makes Waiakeawaena Special? "First and foremost, the people (the children and adults). Each individual gives life to the campus! Each personality adds the character to what makes Waiakeawaena. We are one 'OHANA. We are family!"

Principal's Message

Welcome to Waiākeawaena Elementary School!


Our school, with a proud history of 109 years, is the home to the Menehune, known for their superb craftsmanship.  At Waiākeawaena, we live by our vision:  Respect for All, Perseverance for Always, Integrity Forever.  Our mission is to support the growth of the whole child through rigorous academics, character building, and community involvement.  


For the 2024-2025 school year, our theme is Ma ka hana `ike, which means in working together, one learns.  This embodies our commitment to collaboration and shared learning.  


Communication is our top priority.  We utilize various modes of communication such as social media, Parent Square and School Messenger to keep our community informed and connected.  


We encourage you to stay active and involved by joining the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) or the School Community Council (SCC).  Should you ever need to contact me, please don’t hesitate to call.  


Let’s make this school year an exceptional one!

Mrs. Ochi